Los productos de Onshindo Osaka, la alternativa al retinol que estás buscando

Onshindo Osaka’s products: the retinol alternative you've been searching for

The world of beauty and skincare has been set abuzz with the news that a new European regulation will restrict the use of retinol in products for both the face and body in 2025. 

We’ll tell you all about the reasons this regulation is being introduced, and the Onshindo Osaka products that are the perfect alternative.

What effects does retinol have on the skin?

As we all know, the skincare industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with certain “miracle” ingredients being included in formulas and winning over those of us looking for the secret to perfect, radiant skin. 

And retinol is one of them. It’s a vitamin A derivative that stimulates cell renewal, regulates sebum production and boosts collagen production, reducing and fighting the appearance of some of the skin’s arch enemies: wrinkles, acne and photoaging.  

Why is retinol being regulated?

Despite all these benefits and advantages for our skin, it’s been shown that extensive use, in large quantities when not prescribed by a specialist, can be harmful to the skin, causing irritation. That’s why the European Commission's Cosmetics Regulation will restrict its use to a maximum concentration of 0.3% in products for the face and 0.05% in products for the body from 2025 onwards. 

Are there alternatives to retinol?

As is true of any industry on the rise, the cosmetics industry is always evolving, researching and, of course, identifying alternatives and possibilities to offer the best possible results without harmful side effects. As a result, retinol is by no means the only ingredient that has visibly rejuvenating effects on the skin. At Onshindo Osaka, as experts, researchers and lovers of the world of Japanese beauty and cosmetics, we can attest to that. Keep reading to find out what goes into our products, the perfect alternative to retinol without the potentially harmful side effects.

Nadeshikoiro Anti-Ageing anti-wrinkle serum

Out of all the cosmetics products that can be used as alternatives to retinol, the Nadeshikoiro anti-wrinkle serum stands out from the crowd. Thanks to ingredients like Skinarch, Glycolift, Yuzu and Sirtalice, this serum helps firm up the skin and leave it more radiant, perfect for minimising the appearance of the signs of ageing, boosting suppleness and, of course, improving skin density. 

Nadeshikoiro Anti-Ageing night face cream for normal and combination skin

Thanks to its formula, which includes ingredients like shea butter and Vitamin E, the Nadeshikoiro Anti-Ageing night cream significantly reduces wrinkles on the face, whilst also boosting the skin’s suppleness, radiance and firmness. This night cream is a perfect alternative to retinol as its formula renews the skin and liberates toxins whilst you sleep, so your cells absorb all the nutrition and hydration necessary to revitalise your tissues. 

Nadeshikoiro Anti-Ageing eye cream

Our anti-ageing eye cream is another ideal alternative to retinol as, thanks to ingredients like avocado oil, Meiview and Yuzu, it plumps up wrinkles and helps prevent the appearance of blemishes without causing any kind of irritation, redness, dryness or sensitivity. What’s more, thanks to its exceptional formula, suitable for all skin types, the Nadeshikoiro Anti-Ageing eye cream keeps the eye area moisturised for up to 24 hours after you use it. 

There’s no doubt that the Nadeshikoiro Anti-Ageing range offers your skin hydration, firmness and radiance as well as improving its tone and fighting the appearance of wrinkles and signs of ageing.

And the best part? Its ingredients have been carefully selected from everything Japanese flora and biotechnology has to offer to create combinations that can meet the needs of countless skin types, for all women, the world over.  

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